Saturday, December 27, 2008

An introductory introduction to the purpose of this blog.

You know, I could have done this a million different ways, and yet I choose this. I suppose this says something about me, what I would have absoloutly no fucking clue, but it says something all the same. Note: If you can decipher what it says aout me, your probably smarter than me and have absoloutly no reason to be viewing this.
ANYWAYS, first things first, let me introduce myself.
  • I'm James
  • I'm 18
  • I was born in Australia
  • I jumped across the ditch when I was 7 (with my family you dolt) to lil' old New Zealand
  • I have an IQ of 138-153 depending on which IQ site I use
  • I personally believe that those sites could not possibly be right, me being about as smart as a chimp
  • I have a habit of swearing, being generally weird, and insulting people.
  • I originally used commas for this list, but it looked too untidy.
That just about covers it. I'm also incredibly lazy, and therefore prone to not filling out lists like the one above as far as it could be, which is probably good, considering you'd probably be as bored as a bat if I did. That makes no sense whatsoever, but I'm too lazy to change it.

Feel free to introduce yourself, *If you can, I have no idea whether you can or not on blogs like these, this being my first*.

Anyways, back on topic, the purpose of this blog, it's sole purpose, is to further your knowledge, and to clear away those half and mis truths being flung left right and center, between Mac's and PC's.
That and to make me immensly wealthy.
Now on a completely seperate note, if you'd like to send your credit card number and expirery da...
Joking :x
Oh, this blog has one more purpose, to stop me from fighting on Youtube with PC and Mac fanboys alike, that and to stop me from practically ripping my hair out when I hit the character limit.
Instead, they'll simply be reffered here, which to be honest, is probably how you got here.

In anycase, welcome to my blog, I hope that I can share some truths with you. Also, if you disagree with anything, or happen to know I am incorrect in something, feel free to comment, which no doubt means that I'll have several thousand comments saying PC'S RULE or MAC'S RULE, PC'S SUCK!
Fanboys, so predictable :x

Aesthetic Quietus [Beautiful Assassin, a name I plundered for myself],
Wishing you a nice day until the next time.

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